Bookkeeping (HGB) Premium
Learn complete "bookkeeping" with this course. After completing the course, you will be able to correctly carry out or confirm the debit and credit entries in the accounting software. This course prepares you for further courses, such as preparing annual financial statements according to commercial law (HGB) and tax law or IFRS.
Learn accounting online with:
Videos that simulate face-to-face teaching
Slides/scripts for the videos
Web-based training with learning success monitoring and detailed solution explanations
The technical content corresponds to the module descriptions at colleges, universities, IHK further training courses or further training courses from the chambers of tax advisors.
Importance of financial accounting
Classification of financial accounting in operational accounting. Tasks of financial accounting, commercial and tax accounting requirements, double-entry bookkeeping versus input and output accounting, accounting cycle.
Annual financial statements - balance sheet - profit and loss statement
Components of the annual financial statements, items in the balance sheet, items in the income statement, fixed and current assets, debts, equity, creation of expenses and income (periodization) - possible differences to cash flow orientation, profit/loss, inventory and inventory procedures.
Accounting technology
Inventory bookings, bookings affecting income, effects on profit/loss and liquidity, closing the accounts for the preparation of the annual financial statements.
Booking of the most important business transactions
Procurement area (capital goods, RHB materials, goods, services, personnel), sales area (sales), inventory changes, other capitalized own work.
Withdrawals and deposits from partnerships
Effects on capital accounts
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